Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Beware Cheap Proofreaders

The importance of proofreading cannot be exaggerated. You may think you have completed a very good piece of writing but it is always wise to let another person cast their eagle eye over it. Many people associate proofreading solely with correct spelling and grammar. It is easy for the writer to run a spell check and change UK English to American English or vice versa but that is only half the story.

Aside from correcting spelling and grammatical errors a professional proofreader will restructure you essay and suggest improvements. Maybe you have repeated yourself or failed to put across your conclusion in a coherent manner. A competent proofreader will spot these failings and other inconsistencies in your work. I have heard many students complain that their proofreader merely altered some spelling and swapped some commas for semi colons and were disappointed. Unfortunately there are proofreaders offering their services for ridiculously low prices and the old adage that, you generally get what you pay for, is as true for proofreading services as it is for buying products. I would not agree to proofread for a pittance but many people do. “Buyer beware” or “caveat emptor” alarm bells should be ringing loudly.

A competent proofreader cannot make a poor essay good but they can make a good essay great. In these competitive times obtaining a BA Hons 2(i) as against a 2 (ii) can make all the difference to your future education and career prospects. A sloppy conclusion can undo and deflect from earlier writing leaving the person marking it disappointed. In earlier blogs I have stated the importance of the conclusion primarily because it is the last thing which is read and is therefore fresh in the reader’s mind. It is amazing how many otherwise excellent essays are marked down because of a poorly written conclusion. A well written conclusion must not contain any information which has not been referred to earlier in the essay. It should be punchy in nature leaving the reader with a sense of fulfilment confident that you have understood the topic and given a thought provoking insight. Law essays in particular must show that the law quoted is current but it can also mention any possible law reforms. The average cheap proofreader will not be aware of this improvement to your essay and will miss the opportunity to improve your work.

Law essays require many references to court cases and academic authors and commentators. A proofreader who is not familiar with writing Law essay will not be aware of this fact and will fail to alert you that your references may be out of date, as the law is constantly being changed. A professional proofreader will ensure that your references are correct, using the Harvard, OSCOLA, Chicago and numerous other referencing styles.

If you want to enhance your prospects you should ensure that your essays and theses are proofread by a professional who will go the extra mile. . By rewriting parts of your work and restructuring its layout you can achieve that higher grade. Let a writer of Law essays proofread your Law essays and dissertation to put the final gloss on your work.

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